Friday, October 28, 2011

He is an inventor

Today I am going to tell you about Mr. Waqar Qureshi, a student of University of central Punjab. He is currently doing Bachelors in Computer Sciences from UCP. But what sets him apart from the herd is his ability to turn dreams into reality.

When he was nineteen he thought that I should make a computer 3d game in Urdu because it will be fun to play a game in Urdu. Just like that he made up his mind and started to work on the game and after five months of working in his attic he made his dream a reality in the form of Wakt - Time to escape.

His next dream was to be able to use a computer without touching it. So he invented NTI, the Non-Touch Interface. It is actually a glove and a pen and he can control a computer with it. He just moves the pen in the air and the computer responds to that. If the images of Tom Cruise controlling his computer system in minority report with his hand are running through your mind then you are right on track. He claims that with his device once can easily control a computer. All he needs is a hologram projector for the floating screens and his bed room can resemble a scene from minority report.

The extension of this project came in the form of a head gear with which one can move the cursor on the screen. He says that if he had the money he will setup his device with a video goggle so that one can feel that he is inside a computer. This guy wants a share of the matrix too.

Currently he is working on a brain computer interface system. This will enable him to control a computer with his brain.

He is also doing some work on visual cognitive theory. According to that one can record dreams and play them back at one's pleasure, he claims. Remember that he is just above 20 and already he is on a roll, inventing stuff one can only dream about and setting a new level of determination and commitment.

He recalls that one of his university teacher said to him: "Waqar Qureshi, one day you will set on fire all of your projects and degrees in front of me". That was the frustration thrown at him along the way but he fought through it and now he explains the journey below. Hit play.

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